With my interest in teaching and helping other students to excel in the subject they are studying, I am working for three UVA departments with focus on Teaching Assistant Experiences and Tutoring. I am the tutor for UVA Engineering Tutoring Program where I host an one-on-one tutoring session per requested for several math,mechanical and aerospace class. I am also working as a teacher assistant for the Applied Math Department helping the professor to assist students in class and grade their homework in Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations. Lastly, I am running and giving lecture in Computational Fluids Dynamics lab for Aerodynamics Class for UVA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department.
     I helped a professor on a project about performing a design analysis (FEA and CFD) on a bone fracture healing device.
     The analysis aims to look at the flow of Bone Morphogenic Protein through a screw and analyze whether the design can withstand the pressures exerted. The screw is placed into a scaphoid fracture and BMP is injected to promote healing. The screw has a unique design that improves flexibility. Several factors were looked to optimize the strength of the screw, such as the size of the hole in the screw as well as flow viscosity and speed. While it was originally hypothesized that increasing the size of the hole would result in a weaker structure, it was demonstrated that an increase in hole size actually improved the safety factor of the design. Additionally, the analysis showed that an increased flow rate and viscosity lead to an increased pressure and thus smaller safety factor. Future work can to be done to ensure that the fluid was modeled correctly and that the assumptions about BMP were correct.
     I am also a member of UVA Solar Car as a first year at the University. I was working in a team as the supporter for the production leader in leading Carbon Fiber Construction training sections. This is an amazing opportunity for me to familiarize my self with Carbon Fiber Treatment including carbon-fiber layup, curing, and vacuum. Through this project, I am able to learn about one of the most advance materials and gets an hands-on experience on seeing the full process of the production of the material.
     Aside from that, I am also works to design, test and produce the outer car body, which consisted of a carbon fiber shell and plastic-reinforced foam core, and the battery box placement
     I was working on a bicycle safety design project for one of my first year design class as an attempt for me to learn and know more about mechatronics before I take the Mechatronics class my third year. For this project, I led a team of four in designing a head light and rear light signal system for bikers to use as a safety add-on shirt. I used SolidWorks to design the mechanical body and Adruino Kit to code the electrical system. I created a working model using 3D Printed Mechanical Parts and Soldering Wire on a PCB blue board to connect the micro controller to batteries and the LEDs.
     Since it is just a class project, I do not bring this design ideas further. Unfortunately, I learnt that this idea was commercialized two months after I presented my project to the professor.